What's New

New updates and improvements to Hatchbox.io

Deploy App From Subfolder

We now support deploying App from a subfolder. This is useful if your app codebase resides in your repository's subfolder.

You can find the setting under App > Repository. 

Ability to rename Apps

You can now rename* Apps from the settings page to better suit your needs. 

renaming an app may result in temporary downtime

Upgraded SSH Keys

We've upgraded Hatchbox to use ed25519 SSH keys by default. SSH RSA is no longer accepted by default in Ubuntu 22.04 and we've adjusted accordingly to support them.

For clusters created before April 2022, we've generated new SSH keys and have added them to your servers. There's nothing you need to do on your end. 🎉

To connect to your servers over SSH, make sure you're using a compatible SSH key for Ubuntu 22.04. If you don't, SSH will refuse the connection.

Ubuntu 22.04 Support

You can now deploy to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish servers. 22.04 is also the new default version used for any new servers that are created. 

Long term support means this server version is supported for 5 years and is the best version to use for production servers.

Bundler Version

Hatchbox will now detect the Bundler version from your application's Gemfile.lock and install that during deploy. This will make it easier to deploy older Ruby applications that use Bundler 1.x.

Ruby 3.1.2, 3.0.4, 2.7.6, and 2.6.10 support

New versions of Ruby have just dropped with important security updates. Check out the release for more details: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2022/04/12/ruby-3-1-2-released/

AWS VPCs Ingress Changes

We've updated our AWS VPC creation to only allow ingress on ports 22, 80, and 443 by default. 

Previously, we allowed all ports which is a less secure default. If you created a VPC with Hatchbox v2 before April 10th, we encourage you to update your VPC's ingress ports and restrict them.

Domains API

You can now add domains to an App through the API. This will add the domain and update Caddy to route the domain to your app. It will also automatically provision SSL certificates with LetsEncrypt when the first request comes in using the domain.

Ruby 3.1.1 is now available


Cluster Transfer Support

You can now transfer your cluster to another user. 

Go to the settings page of your cluster. 

Amazon EC2 Support

You can now provision and deploy to Amazon EC2 instances! 

We're working on Amazon RDS and ElastiCache integrations for provisioning AWS managed databases next.

GitLab & BitBucket support

You can now deploy apps from GitLab or BitBucket by connecting your account and selecting it as the git host for your application.

Ruby 3.1.0 is now available

It's Christmas again, so that means a new Ruby version! Check out the new features here: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2021/12/25/ruby-3-1-0-released/

New Default Versions

We've changed the Ruby default version to 3.0.3 and Node.js to 16.13.1.

Ruby 3.0.3, 2.7.5, and 2.6.9 support

New versions of Ruby were released with security fixes for several vulnerabilities. Make sure to update your applications to keep your production apps secure.